Washoe County is currently updating the Master Plan for the entire unincorporated area. The South Valleys Area Plan, a component of the overall county master plan, was adopted in 2008. While there have been a few amendments since that time, the plan has remained largely unchanged since its adoption. For this reason, Washoe County’s project managers for the update would like to hear from interested community members regarding how the Area Plan has been successful or fallen short of the community’s expectations and needs.
County Senior Planner Eric Young will be in the community on February 3rd to introduce the county’s professional consultant to the area. He will be accompanied by planning consultants Megan Moore and Melissa Ruth from the firm Logan-Simpson. They plan to spend time taking a small tour of the South Valleys area Thursday afternoon. Prior to their trip around the valleys, they will be at Washoe Lake State Park for a working lunch to meet with anyone who can come by. They will be there from about 12:00 to 1:30 or a little longer. They can explain what the update is intended to accomplish, but they would like to spend most of their time asking us questions and hearing from us about how the Area Plan has met the community’s expectations, and how it is suited for the future.
Please have a look at EnvisonWashoe2040.org to learn more about the Master Plan update, take the survey that is currently available, and then consider stopping by Washoe Lake State Park to meet the team working on this project.
South Valleys Area Plan
Washoe Lake State Park – Equestrian Area Pavilion
Thursday, February 3, 2022
12:00-1:30 p.m.
- Washoe Lake State Park is located at the southeast shore of Washoe Lake off Eastlake Blvd. in Washoe Valley, Nevada.
- Enter the main entrance of the park, 4855 Eastlake Blvd., Washoe Valley.
- Pass the park entrance booth. No entrance fee is required.
- Turn right then continue north past the campground areas to the Equestrian Center.
You are welcome to bring a bag lunch, water, and a chair, if desired.