Through coordinated management, and public support, Washoe Valley can continue to be a recreation paradise and retain it’s historical, cultural, visual relief, and natural resources. Wildlife resources dependent on the lake, open space and riparian areas can find refuge now disappearing elsewhere. Washoe Valley Alliance is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of the Washoe Valley area.
Washoe Valley Alliance
Organized in March of 2013 as a 501(C)3 Nevada Non-Profit Corporation
Our goal is to protect the unique qualities of Washoe Valley through education and stewardship. In order to meet these goals, we partner with service organizations, government agencies and individuals who live, work and play in this beautiful valley.
Learn about the tremendous investment in money and time made to preserve Wahsoe Valley.
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Protecting Washoe Valley's Unique Qualities through Education and Stewardship
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“Twelve miles long and seven wide, Washoe Valley, enfolding Washoe Lake, was completely encircled by hills and mountains like a precious stone in a pendant”
Myra Sauer Ratay
Pioneers of the Ponderosa, 1973
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WVA Partners
Washoe Valley Alliance is thankful for the ongoing support and partnership with the following organizations.